Classic Setters

Fran and Frank Thompson, Hartsburg, Missouri, USA Phone 573-819-2949; e-mail: 

We sell puppies, started dogs, and offer stud service to select female setters.

Our objective is to produce good looking, biddable, intelligent gundogs typical of the classic old bloodlines of setters.  These setters are characterized by distinctive head and body conformation, sensible dispositions, and moderate range.  These are naturally close working lines of setters that have traditionally been hunted on grouse and woodcock but are preferred by many people for hunting quail, pheasant, and prairie grouse as well. 

Our setters are hard hunting, hunt for the gun, and adjust their range to the cover.  They typically range 30-60 yards in heavy cover (grouse and woodcock cover) and 100+ yards in open grassland (quail and pheasant cover).  They have strong natural pointing, backing, and retrieving instincts and are easily trained.  They have wonderful personalities and make excellent house or kennel dogs.

To accomplish this we linebreed individuals of Ryman and Old Hemlock descent and occasionally outcross to other lines of English Setters such as Llewellins.  We believe this combination of linebreeding and outcrossing is the only way to maintain and improve this line of gundogs.  We have extensive knowledge of the individuals in our pedigrees and have thoroughly researched them for genetic problems such as hip dysplasia and deafness.  Our dams and sires have OFA certified excellent or good hips, and most pedigrees have several generations of OFA certified individuals.

Our puppies receive the best of care during the time they spend with us.  They are well socialized with people and dogs.  We pay very close attention to nutrition and health.  They will have received all vaccinations recommended for their age.  Puppies can be picked up at our kennel when 8-weeks old or shipped, whenever possible, on non-stop flights to major airports when 9-weeks old.


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